Ben Lukas Boysen

Ben Lukas Boysen reveals the first and last records he bought and the one he turns to in an emergency


Keith Jarrett
‘The Köln Concert’
(ECM, 1975)

“Thanks to my parents’ extensive record collection, I had a lot of music to listen to when I was growing up. I only started buying records myself after their collection was dissolved, for many reasons, relatively late in my life. I mostly focus on picking up records we owned when I was a child, and while my memory is hazy, I remember ‘The Köln Concert’ by Keith Jarrett really well.”


‘Book Of Air’
(Granvat, 2016)

“This is part of a series of compositions called ‘Book Of Air’. It has a wonderful jazz-like texture and is improvised by Vvolk, a group of 18 musicians dissecting and celebrating time, its passing and its sound in a highly meditative way. It feels like a really interesting evolution, a combination of all things ambient and post-rock.”


Thomas Köner
(Barooni, 1992) 

“This is a major part of the soundtrack to my teenage years and remains the score to my life today. It has a depth, calmness and beauty that I haven’t found anywhere else. It also opened the door to music that exists without the obvious use of instruments. It made everything more otherworldly and less human, while being highly emotional at the same time.”

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