Location: Kent, England Est: October 2016

Potted History: The label is a collaborative effort between Gary Dimes, who records as All Of Them Witches, and Darren Page, who works under the name Burning Tapes. The pair bumped into each other through social media and quickly discovered a shared love of the electronic soundtrack. “I think you can tell a lot from someone whose Instagram profile is “Gruesome Gary’, says Darren. “I knew he was someone I could work with.”
“We decided to start a label last October as we both had an album ready to put out,” explains Gary. Opting for the DIY approach, their initial small run of limited edition coloured cassette tapes sold out almost instantly. Partnering with experimental music and rare soundtrack specialists Two Headed Dog and with a lot of good advice from Spencer Hickman at Death Waltz and soundtrack composer Wojciech Golczewski, a successful Kickstarter campaign earlier this year saw both debuts released on vinyl.
Mission Statement: “We want to grow as a label as organically as possible now we’ve had the help from our Kickstarter campaign and initial backing from Two Headed Dog,” explains Gary. “Opportunities are naturally expanding and we’ve been contacted by a few artists wanting to work with us. We already have two artists lined up for release later in the year.
Key artists & releases: As things stand, the label has just the two releases under their belt, but there’s big plans. Another cassette release is planned for early summer by, they say, “a UK artist TBA”. There’s also another vinyl release slated for autumn, which again is under wraps at the moment. “It’s a pretty big deal for us,” enthuses Gary. “We are fans first and foremost and we’re just trying to put out music we would buy ourselves.”
Future Plans: “We’ve achieved our first goal of just getting our music out there,” says Gary. “We’ve been really happy with the great reaction we’ve had, and how quickly fans and labels and artists have got behind us. In retrospect it seems like quite an audacious move to crowdfund the first two releases, but the ballsyness has paid off. Our current aim is to get a few more releases out there and hope people dig them as much as they have our debuts.”
Any other business? “The one thing we’ve learnt for future is that shipping costs can kill,” laughs Gary. “We’ve made a few mistakes – and losses – on that with worldwide postage, but we have it nailed now!”