Saturday begins with a great discovery; a shortcut opposite the Mission Control tent which guides you through the Actual Reality Arcade, past the Space Pavillion and the Notes tent to the sanctuary of internet and proper toilets of the press office.
Bluedot has got me feeling all wistful today. It started just after breakfast, when I absent-mindedly bumped into The Clangers plink-plonking around in the Mission Control tent.
The Orbit tent is heaving. Yorkshire’s Working Men's Club seem to be building a real head of steam with press and public alike, and there’s a clear sense of anticipation here
It’s Friday, and Bluedot feels like it’s ramping up for the weekend. People are packed into the Orbit tent like sardines, expectant and ready for action.
As the morning rain subsides, which alchemised my espresso into an Ice-Americano, the sun finally emerges, just as Tim Burgess’ blonde bowl cut appears on the main Lovell stage.
Under the shadow of the magnificent Lovell telescope, as night begins to fall, Hannah Peel and Paraorchestra take to the stage, and Bluedot is officially up and running.
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