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Red Planet

Freewheeling through time and space, Kris Needs continues his adventures in sound. This month:  Red Planet
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Full Plunge

Last month saw the return of my Needs Must column after a gap of 18 years. And it was a blast. If that was a toe-dipping exercise to ease me back in, this time the aim is take the full plunge. So without further ado…
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1980s New York

Our esteemed columnist has been unusually quiet of late. And then, like magic, up he pops up with news of his exploits… it’s quite a tale, as you’d expect
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Freewheeling through time and space, our renegade columnist ventures out on his further adventures in audio. This month, 1969…
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Throbbing Gristle

Rattling on about whatever the heck he likes these days, our freshly-plucked free-range columnist recalls his first encounter, 40 years ago, with a new band called Throbbing Gristle…