Télépopmusik ‘Everybody Breaks The Line’ (Warm Music)

Named after an old TV repair shop on Paris’ Avenue Jean-Jaurès that’s still operational, Télépopmusik’s re-emergence some 15 years after their last album is as heartening as an antiquated retailer still slugging it out on the high street.

‘Everybody Breaks The Line’ has been a long time coming so it’s a pity then to report that the duo’s third studio album feels like a musical version of a cut and shut. A lack of cohesion makes for a bitty and ultimately unsatisfying listen.

On one hand there’s the sugary pop of ‘Dreams’ with the US musician Young & Sick, aka Nick Van Hofwegen, which might rot your teeth. On the other is a moodier, more enjoyable 1980’s synthpop record with Sylvia Black and her rich, vibrato-y alto on tracks like ‘Wings Of A Dove’. 

The return of Angela McCluskey (who sang on their almost hit, ‘Breathe’) for two songs also helps elevate this album above just so-so, but it could have been so much better.

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