Having left the BBC Radiophonic Workshop in 1973, Brian Hodgson formed the prog-tinged synth duo Wavemaker with Canadian composer John Lewis. Their two albums are underappreciated 1970s gems
Dean Wareham and Britta Phillips have brought us the gifts of Galaxie 500, Luna and Dean & Britta. Pete Kember, aka Sonic Boom, has meanwhile been the proud bearer of Spacemen 3 and Spectrum. This festive period, they have clubbed together for a joint present – an enchanting collection of Christmas covers
The new Field Music offering, ‘Limits Of Language’, finds brothers Peter and David Brewis in a nostalgic mood. Overdosing on Marmite in their favourite Wearside cafe, they look back on the vanished eateries and melancholy early Septembers of their youth
The Go! Team’s Ian Parton looks back on his complex relationship with ‘Ladyflash’, the breakthrough single from their debut album, ‘Thunder, Lightening, Strike’
Faithful Johannes? The Alan Bennett of hip hop. Sir John Betjemen with beats. And weighing on his mind at the moment are life-threatening lawns, river monsters called Tony and the “icky” thoughts that have inspired an album riddled with very English anxieties
German synth supremo Ralf Dörper invited classical percussionist Michael Mertens to join Propaganda in 1983. Their debut album, ‘A Secret Wish’, is still a dark-hearted classic, but the reunited pair are now looking to the future with a fresh incarnation of the outfit that made their names
In 1984, Thomas Dolby’s ‘The Flat Earth’ album saw him outgrow his persona as MTV’s favourite “outgoing boffin” and flourish into a songwriter of impressive versatility. With an expanded digital version recently released, is he still “hyperactive now he’s grown”? He may be more reflective, but as he explains, life still has its fair share of adventure and excitement
BBC Radiophonic Workshop legend Paddy Kingsland tells us about his reggae-influenced classic, ‘Reg’, the B-side to the 1973 single release of the ‘Doctor Who’ theme tune
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