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Our invaluable columnist trawls his weird mind palace and turns in yet another tale you couldn’t make up if you tried.
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The Orb

Freewheeling through time and space, Kris Needs continues his adventures in sound. This month: The Orb
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Plus 8

Freewheeling through time and space, Kris Needs continues his adventures in sound. This month: Plus 8
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Musical Landscape

With audio shovel in hand, Kris Needs wanders the musical landscape to bring you a bunch of waxed wonders that shouldn’t be allowed to stray too far from your ears
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A Raft of Recorded Marvels

Our fearless audio adventurer Kris Needs casts a beady ear over the whole wide musical world (well, some of it at least) and picks out a raft of recorded marvels for your listening pleasure