Cork popping fizzy synthpop, oz style
Who They?
A quartet from Brisbane, New South Wales, featuring the frothy tones of Janet Planet and Sugar Bones and on tunes, Reggie Goodchild and Clarence McGuffie. They caught our ear recently with an ass-whooping Weatherall remix of an understated little number called ‘Bubblegum’.
Why Confidence Man?
Well, first up, there’s their supersonic debut outing, the squelchy, frantic ‘Boyfriend (Repeat)’, which, it turns out, is a mere amuse-bouche. You see, the original version of ‘Bubblegum’ kicks the admittedly excellent Weatherall remix into the long grass. By crickey it’s good. A twanging guitar line, pots and pans drums, pimping keys, disco dancing bassline, whoops, cheers, eurphoric hands in the air singalong chorus. Cleverer people than us have uttered the words ‘Groove Is In The Heart’ as a comparison.
Tell Us More
Featuring members of Brisbane acts Jungle Giants and The Belligerents, Confidence Man was meant to be a short term side-project, but the aforementioned ‘Boyfriend (Repeat)’ won a compo on Australia’s Triple J radio station and bagged CM some festival spots, followed swiftly by flashing lights, air horns and inclusions on a number of ones to watch lists for 2017. Believe us, we’re watching. Oh, and the cleverer people saying nice stuff? “It was a joy of joys to discover that even after all these years I could still feel intoxicated after hearing a pop song,” says Heavenly big tomato Jeff Barrett, who snapped them up before anyone else could blink. He’s a smart man is Jeff.
‘Bubblegum’ is out on Heavenly