Location: Derbyshire, UK
Est: 2020

Potted History: “During lockdown, and after much procrastination, I quit my day job to focus my energies in other areas,” says the label’s Paul Scott, who you may know as Radio Free Matlock’s ‘Electronica Show’ presenter, Lippy Kid. “Along with creating my own music, I’ve become increasingly interested in helping other artists bring their work to people’s attention. It’s been a principle driver with the work I do for Radio Free Matlock and with the live-focused arts community, The Independent Electric Group.”
Mission Statement: “My aim was to create a record label where each release will be part of an evolving series,” says Scott. “From an artist’s perspective, their own part in the series would constitute a release in itself, but it would actually be part of an evolving whole.
“The label has its roots in cinema. My formative years were spent helping out my dad at the local cinema. Cue dots were placed at the end of reels of film to signal the projectionist to switch from one projector to another. So I see each release in the series soundtracking a change in scene. I’m intrigued as to where we go with it.”
Key artists & releases: The label’s debut was ‘Shoreline’ from former Danse Society synth player, Lyndon Scarfe, whose work with looping feedback systems a la Eno and Fripp served up pastoral ambient compositions full of drones and slow-moving melodies. The follow-up, ‘A Pleasant And Profound Hand Into A Peaceful Death’ by Lying Cat, an anonymous glitch, ambient, drone and experimental electronica producer, ventures into imagined soundtrack territory. “Both these releases,” says Scott, “set the tone for what people should expect as the Cue Dot Series develops, but without setting any specific expectation, as hopefully our n ext release will highlight.” Watch this space.
Future Plans: “I’m not sure we have a specific plan,” says Scott, “but the project has started amazingly well. We’re already having some interesting discussions around art installations. We also have a range of artists discussing the project, so we may have a few surprises in the coming months.”
Any other business? “I’ve quickly realised there are some incredibly helpful people out there,” offers Scott, “and it pays to listen to them. People are really willing to help, offer advice, share what worked well for them, but also their mistakes. For the moment though, we’ll keep learning as we go, even of that means from the mistakes we’ll inevitably make along he way.”
For more, visit cuedotrecords.com