New video from Miss Risky, Mr Hazard, and Mr Precarious

“The song is a dig at some social media and advertising that takes us all for dummies,” sys Hats man Nigel Bates. “How, if they stick a smiling mugshot on a estate agent for sale board, will it really make us buy the house? How social media sometimes thinks we’re all dumb and the algorithm goes up and up . Sometimes  you just want to break the sequence and speak to real people. But its also full of nonsense some lines make no sense. What is “Pompie Lucazade”? I just liked the words and they stuck, but I’m sure they could sell it to us, what ever it is.

“The video stars our alter egos Miss Risky , Mr Hazard and Mr Precarious. When I was young I had Action Men, but always cherished the figure Mike Hazard “Double Agent”, the top secret operative. But I never got one. However, this year I managed to get him. A life ambition achieved. When he arrived, friends said that in many of his disguises he looked like me. The rest of the band got jealous so I had to get dolls that looked like them too. So here we all our in our first stop-motion video. I wanted it to get scarier and scarier but bottled it and thought we should all just have a party at the end. Enjoy or Destroy.”

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