Ominous, distorted ambientronics

Who He?
Hailing from Glasgow, Blood Blood is the alias of multi-instrumentalist Davey Gwynne whose lo-fi electronics are peppered with distorted ambient elements and are available for all to hear on his recently released fourth LP, ‘Black Tarot’.
Why Blood Blood?
Gwynne began writing music at an early age, starting on piano and acoustic guitar. He’s an avid reader, is influenced by the likes of James Joyce’s ‘Finnegan’s Wake’ and the grimoire ‘The Lesser Key Of Solomon’, and has a keen interest in tarot and occultism in general. ‘Black Tarot’ was actually spawned from a dream where he was giving a tarot reading to his friend, and all the cards laid out were black. He took this as “a challenge from the universe to make an album of pure feeling, where the eyes see everything and nothing in infinite space”. You can hear this dark influence on the record, particularly on the sinister piano piece ’Disparities’.
Tell Us More…
When he’s not focussed on Blood Blood, he’s a key member and core songwriter in experimental group Machines In Heaven. He’s also got another solo project that he’s cooking up material for, a one-man psych act Crystal Sun Servants. Gwynne is also a self-described “nerd of all trades”, making abstract visuals for his live shows that involve rope lights, micro cinema and even images of heart surgery. Outside of music, he’s currently working on a virtual reality project, with the goal of “creating immersive worlds of sound and vision for people to explore”. A man of many talents, there seems to be much more to be conjured from the world of Davey Gwynne.
‘Black Tarot’ is out on Hot Gem