Bright as buttons blissed-out electropop

Who They?
The handiwork of one Joe Wensley, a 28-year-old East Londoner for whom Es are clearly good. The letter E you understand, which he has three times in his own name and three times in his band de plume Streeeams.
Why Streeeams?
Totally unsigned and completely self-releasing the debut ‘Letters’ EP, this mellow retropop is so sunshine-bright it’s like mainlining wax crayons. The video for ‘Breaker’ is the perfect introduction to the warm, fuzzy vibe that is Streeeams. Made on a shoestring (props created at home, costumes created by his next-door neighbour), check out the must-learn dance routine by Joe’s girlfriend Kitty Dalton (who also lends backing vocals on the EP) and pal Milly Prett. Oh, and look out for the glitter bomb explosion that makes everyone jump out of their skin.
Tell Us More
It’s all about the influences and Joe’s are cracking. In a nutshell, it’s Bee Gees to Grimes, which about covers it. Seems exposure at an early age to the Caribbean groove of the 1977 single ‘Seaside Woman’ by Suzy & The Red Stripes, or Mr & Mrs Paul McCartney, played its part. “A lot of the inspiration for these ideas comes from childhood,” explains Joe, whose lop-sided Phil Oakey haircut and gentle Green Gartside-like pipes add further pegs to this delightfully glittery retro-futurism musical washing line.