Sun-kissed krautrock from Athens

Who they?
He actually. Tropical Geometry is Athens-based producer Babis Theocharis. He was one half of Chest, creating snappy synthpop with Stella “Σtella” Chronopoulou, and there’s a dormant solo side-project, egsun, which finds Theocharis in more experimental mood, creating lush cello-based neoclassical soundscapes.
Why Tropical Geometry?
Well, his most recent incarnation is quite the treat. For those basking in the recent Stereolab reunion, this is going to be like Christmas has come very early. But don’t take our word for it. A trawl online reveals an empty Soundcloud page entitled Stereobab that notes “sound design, sync, bespoke music and audio solutions by Babis Theocharis”. The ‘Lab is strong in this one. By day, Theocharis is as a sound designer and cites the work of Laurie Spiegel, Daphne Oram, Delia Derbyshire and musique concrète as heavy influences. The more you discover, the better he gets, right?
Tell us more…
Packed with cheap 80s synths, a swirling, sunshine-fuelled krautrock sensibility seeps through this debut six-tracker, which is imaginatively entitled ‘EP’. Highlights of this first offering (a precursor to an album, ‘Luck Mountain’, due later in the year on the flipping excellent Parisian Err Rec label) include the glorious organ merry-go-round of ‘Jorge Campos’ and the tip-toeing thrum of ‘Rubik’s Cube’. There are also plans afoot for live shows for which Theocharis is currently assembling a band consisting of those who lent their considerable skills to ‘EP’ and forthcoming album. We are very much looking forward to hearing more. When we do, you will be first to know.
‘EP’ is out on Err Rec