A twisted, groove-infused battlecry for the summer

Former Sink Ya Teeth singer and producer Maria Uzor has today shared the video for ‘What U Need’, the brand new single released today on Hey Buffalo Records.

Having released her debut album ‘Soft Cuts’ in October last year on the Castles in Space imprint, Maria releases this standalone single ‘What U Need’ as a twisted, groove-infused battlecry for the Summer.

A playful poke at the perils of social media, inspiration for the song came after Maria took a break from socials in March, and features a video that nods to the promo for ‘If You See Me’, the debut single from her previous band Sink Ya Teeth that features a party in a hallway.

“The tune’s kind of about how you can lose a sense of who you are if you spend too much time on there, “ Maria says of the video. “I wanted to play with the idea of one’s identity being in flux so I dressed up as various characters from my previous videos and shot it on my iPhone in the same hallway that ‘If You See Me’ was filmed”

For more information – mariauzor.com

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