Glasgow-based four-piece set to storm electropop red carpet

Who They?
School pals Richard Richardson and Reggie House used to write songs at the back of English class and soon formed a band. Said band caved after a few years, but the pair kept writing together. Depressed at playing bluesy rock ’n’ roll, they decided to get into synths and drum machines. Fresh demos needed a fresh band. They recruited singing/keyboarding flautist Liz Kiyoko from Gumtree and discovered drummer Ewan Laing living in plain sight in a pal’s flat. The rest will be history. Not heard of them? Poor you.
Why Boohoohoo?
One listen to ‘Now Is The Season’ from their debut EP will do the trick. Love in the Tinder age, eh?
“You hit the nail on the head there,” laughs Richardson. “We really wanted question/answer verses between myself and Lizzie, we had ‘Don’t You Want Me?’ in mind for inspiration.”
It comes on like ‘Mr Brightside’ forcing himself on Philip Oakey after a boozy night out, which you’d have to say is something of a result.
Tell Us More…
They do flute solos. FLUTE. SOLOS. “We knew Lizzie was a flautist,” explains Richardson. “It wasn’t until we were writing ‘Mould Me’ that we thought she should try a solo.” Tried it, nailed it, served up one of the coolest most unexpected solos this side of an unexpected, cool solo. Sounds like Daft Punk, somehow. What’s more, this new EP just the start. We’re expecting big things when an album lands next year. No pressure.
The ‘Debuthoohoo’ EP is released by Last Night From Glasgow